…or “Is there a special life cycle for jeans?” My answer is definitely – yes!
Phase 1. When the jeans are brand new – new cut, and for me that means never too trendy and always in a darker dyed color (nothing too distressed or washed out…) These are my new favorites, I wear them all the time, evenings, weekends, sometimes even to work. A phase that will last for about two years.
Phase 2: the jeans are gradually worn less and less. Replaced by a new pair in phase 1. Eventually falls into oblivion for an unknown number of years, probably until I’m searching for a new pair for phase 3, then they are hot again but for a different reason…
Phase 3: The jeans are used for garden and utility work which means it doesn’t really matter if I will ruin them…
Phase 4: Last and final downgrade – renovation work – this is the final call because after this there is no resurrection, paint covered, trashed they will end up in the bin…
When listing the phases I realize that all my jeans have ended up this way. I’m always a bit amazed when reading about all these people how they have 25 pair of jeans and I’m thinking “how is it even possible?”
This was a long introduction to what you see me wearing today. Because today I actually pulled out a phase 3 pair to be worn as a phase 1… Do you follow me? Today I wear totally out of context and the reason is that I realized that the cut is what everyone is referring to as a “boyfriend” cut! A pair that would cost $200 including the added value of distressed!
So against all my “rules” I wore a pair that is slightly distressed (they do have holes…) and ventured out doing my shopping.
Well it’s never too late to change!
But on the other hand I’m planning and thinking about what type of cut and color to buy for my new pair of Phase 1 jeans….